2018 Season Promises More Boats, More Sailors, More Damp Fun!
Piseco Yacht Club sailors are rigging, polishing and sanding through June, getting ready for what promises to be a fantastic sailing summer. A rules clarification that allows one skipper to sail two different boats, with points scored separately for the Variety Class trophy, has energized the Sunfish fleet, with old timers like Doug McIlroy, David Belleville, John Fisher, Tom Tys and Tiff Ford brushing up their hiking technique to challenge 2017 Variety Class winner Peter McIlroy. A gaggle of youngsters on 'Fish, including Michael Belleville and the enthusiastic Van Meter clan, will hopefully keep the starting line crowded and the Old Guys honest. The usual bigger-boat suspects, including Frank Sczerzenie's, David Belleville's and Tiff Ford's Flying Scots, Tom Thys' and John Fisher's annoyingly fast Thistle, Jon Belleville's Flying Dutchman,

Commodore Chips Arend's MC Scow, Roy Cooley's Aero and Mark Godecki's whistling Hobie 14 will all bang heads and beer glasses, if not gunwales, throughout the season.