Sunfish Bowl, Part 2

(This dumb program won't let me put the whole story in one post. Or change the order of the posts. To read in order, read Part 1 (with a real headline) first.)
After his second great start, Paul Belleville is now the official "guy to follow" in PYC races. Peter McIlroy, Tom Tys, and Michael Belleville were strong contenders, with Elizabeth Sczerzenie, with her textbook, "I do a lot of situps" hiking style, not far behind. Everybody had beelined for buoy 7 in this 6, 7, 5A race, but Peter McIlroy pulled a great strategic move and tacked toward 6 relatively early, leaving the initial leaders wondering why they were still going to 7, when 6 was their ultimate destination. Tiff Ford, after a dismal start that had him resolving to follow Paul Belleville next time, followed Peter M this time, gaining back some of the positions he had lost.
Peter McIlroy made it look easy as he reached back to 6, lengthening his lead over a speeding Michael Belleville, Paul Belleville and Tom Tys. Ford was trying to stay with Elizabeth Sczerzenie on the reach, but while yanking on his stuck daggerboard he lost the tiller, and very nearly lost his pants, doing an impromptu 360 to atone for a sin from an apparent past life. With Peter McIlroy winning, Paul Belleville had to take second to tie for the overall, but his insolent nephew Michael Belleville beat him, relegating Paul to 3rd.
In the overall Sunfish Bowl results, Peter McIlroy took the number-one trophy, with Paul Belleville 2nd, Michael Belleville and Tiff Ford tying for 3rd, and Elizabeth Sczerzenie an impressive 5th. Rebecca Belleville beat out Tom Tys for 6th, showing that youth, enthusiasm and a great haircut can indeed triumph over old age and treachery.