2019 Senior Regatta: Crazy West Winds, Fierce Competition, Exhausted Sailors. In Other Words, it Was

The late-summer trend of big, unpredictable west winds made the 2019 Senior Regatta, with its 4-races-over-2-days format, a test of strength, skill, endurance and sheer stubbornness. Tom Tys and John Fisher, on their legendarily fast Thistle, Paul Belleville, on his rainbow-themed Sunfish, and Tiff Ford (that's me!), flying solo on his newly smooth Flying Scot, were the top finishers, with Ford squeaking out the overall victory with wins on both Saturday and Sunday. Frank Sczerzenie's Flying Scot took two second places on Saturday, but didn't come out to defend his great Saturday results on Sunday. Rebecca Belleville took a strong second place on Sunday, after missing Saturday's races due to a broken bridle on her Sunfish. She even beat her fast Uncle Paul, though Paul's great results in the other races nabbed him 2nd place overall. The conditions were exhilarating and exhausting: the high wind speeds and wild vortexes caused by the west winds spilling over Panther and Piseco Mountains had more than one sailor muttering to him (or her) self, the crazy conditions challenging both boats and sailors.